Deep teeth cleaning is not the same as a routine dental cleaning. This form of cleaning goes below the gum line. It cleans hard-to-reach areas like the roots and pockets at the base of your teeth. Tartar is a material that can build up on the outside and roots of teeth. This tartar, if left unchecked, can lead to dangerous bacterial infections.
Periodontal scaling and root planing is a treatment used by dentists to eliminate this material. If manual scraping fails to remove the tartar, they will utilize an ultrasonic removal instrument.
Getting rid of tartar might be a difficult task at times. As a result, it may take many hours to complete and may require multiple dental sessions. Furthermore, the time to complete the procedure is determined by the severity of the case and the sensitivity of your teeth. While extensive cleaning may appear to be a laborious task, it is an important aspect of fighting against illnesses of the mouth. If left untreated, it might deteriorate into a more serious problem, such as a root canal.
The Dental Deep Cleaning Procedure
Your dentist will review your medical history and take an x-ray before the treatment. The x-ray will give the doctor a better sense of which areas to concentrate on for cleaning. The dentist will also use a specific tool to measure the depths of the gum sockets after this preliminary planning stage. This helps to determine the extent of damage due to gum disease.
The dentist will then begin the scaling procedure. It eliminates tartar from the teeth. An ultrasonic instrument is also utilized if necessary. The teeth are then polished with grittier toothpaste.
Afterward, the dentist will apply an air polisher to the teeth to smooth them. The dental deep cleaning procedure can also include flossing. Finally, fluoride therapy may be implemented. This procedure aids in the remineralization of your teeth’ enamel.
The majority of the time, any discomfort caused by the operation is tolerable. However, individuals with particularly deep pockets may experience more pain than others. Similarly, people with sensitive teeth may also be uncomfortable during the procedure. As such, a dentist will administer a local anaesthetic if needed.
After the completion of the procedure, it is typical to experience soreness or tenderness of the gums. Your dentist will instruct you to take certain precautions for a few days following the procedure. You will also receive maintenance advice until your next deep teeth cleaning appointment. If you follow this maintenance advice, you can prevent the progression of gum disease. However, it is equally important to attend your scheduled appointments in the future.
Dental Deep Cleaning in Chula Vista
Dr. Nick Addario offers quality and affordable dental deep cleaning services in Chula Vista. Patients will first receive an initial evaluation to determine if they have gum disease and what is the extent of the damage. A dental plan will be developed accordingly.