
Types of Dental Fillings

Dentists treat cavities regularly via the dental filling procedure. The first step is to clean out the decayed portion of the tooth, which leaves behind a space inside the tooth. This space is filled with a dental filling material. It protects the tooth for the long...

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FAQs About Periodontal Therapy

If you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, your dentist will recommend that you get periodontal cleaning, also called periodontal maintenance or therapy. Following are a few frequently asked questions regarding this treatment: What are periodontal dental...

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The Dental Filling Procedure

A dental filling procedure can fix oral issues such as cavities, minor fractures, uneven tooth surfaces, and bite and chewing problems of the jaw. The dental filling materials applied can also minimize sensitivity caused by the enamel loss as a result of tooth decay....

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What Happens During Dental Deep Cleaning Procedure?

Deep teeth cleaning is not the same as a routine dental cleaning. This form of cleaning goes below the gum line. It cleans hard-to-reach areas like the roots and pockets at the base of your teeth. Tartar is a material that can build up on the outside and roots of...

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The Significance of Dental Deep Cleaning Procedure

The Significance of Dental Deep Cleaning Procedure

If you attend all your scheduled regular cleaning appointments, you can easily avoid developing gum disease. However, once you have acquired gum disease, regular cleaning will not be enough. In this case, your dentist will recommend a dental deep cleaning procedure to...

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Regular Teeth Whitening vs Zoom Whitening

Who does not want a brighter smile? Brushing and flossing every day keep your teeth healthy. However, it is not uncommon to notice that your teeth become discoloured with time. This can happen due to several reasons, including our lifestyle habits and oral issues....

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Why is Dental Check-up Important?

Why is Dental Check-up Important?

Although going to the dentist every six months is not something that everyone looks forward to, it is one of the most crucial appointments to keep. If you have ever wondered what the point of getting regular dental examinations and cleanings is, we have got something...

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Four Benefits of Gum Contouring

Many people suffer from what is known as a gummy smile. It means that they have excessive gum tissue that covers a large part of their teeth. This often gives an unappealing appearance to one’s smile. On the other hand, people may have receding gums, which is not only...

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Five Benefits of Dental Veneers

Dentists recommend getting dental veneers to fix dental issues such as discolouration, unevenly spaced teeth, chipped, or mishappen teeth. Let us learn what are dental veneers and their benefits. Dental veneers are thin, tooth-coloured shells that cover the front...

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The Gum Contouring Procedure

Everyone has different gumlines. Some people have high gums, others have a low gum line, and some gums are uneven. Fortunately, it is possible to reshape your gums in case you feel conscious about them. Dentists use gum contouring, also called gingival sculpting, for...

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