
FAQs related to Toothache Care

Toothaches can be very disturbing at times and they may raise a few questions in your mind… Let's see what experts suggest on a few frequently asked questions about toothache care. What causes toothache? It can be caused by cavities, fracture infection, an abscess...

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Treatments For Toothache

Have you been using home remedies to get rid of tooth decay for quite a while now? And sometimes the sharp shooting pain can become too hard to handle…so how do you permanently treat it? Remember, it doesn't occur without a reason. Let's have a look at the major...

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Risks of Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction reduces the risks of heart strokes and memory loss. But, we should know that each treatment has its risks too. It has some risks too. Let’s have a look and learn if they can be avoided or not. The common side effects affecting your mouth You might...

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Home Remedies for Toothache Care

What hurts more than a breakup is certainly a toothache! Some situations can get out of control...but you cannot visit your dentist due to the weekend or public holidays. Don't worry, we can get rid of this at home...hopefully! How bacteria can cause toothache?...

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A guide on Different Types of Tooth Extraction

What most people fear is “losing their natural tooth.” But, losing one tooth is better than losing all, no? But, there are a few circumstances that require tooth extraction. These incidents include tooth decay, crowing, accidents, and trauma. Tooth extraction becomes...

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Professionals respond to FAQs about Tooth Extraction

When you are losing a part of your body. It will be difficult, but modern science has great alternatives. Meanwhile, we can have a look at some of the Frequently Asked Questions answered by professionals. Why do I need tooth extraction surgery? You need it to save...

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When is the Perfect time For Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Thirty-two! We would abruptly say this whenever our teachers asked, “how many teeth do humans have?” We were right...or maybe not! 32 teeth are a myth now. Most people have 28 teeth now. We have 12 molars, 8 premolars, 4 canines, and 4 incisors in a human’s mouth. Do...

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Five ways to get rid of tooth decay at home

Five ways to get rid of tooth decay at home

You were having consistent pain in your teeth, upon checking your found that IT IS TOOTH DECAY! Okay, stop freaking out! Breathe in, breathe out. Now, listen! Tooth decay at its early stage is perfectly curable, even at home. And, if you are petrified of...

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5 foolproof ways to Treat a Broken Tooth at Home

A broken tooth can freak people out. To keep the situation under control at your home, you can follow these five steps. Then, contact your dentist in Chula Vista for an emergency visit. Water is what you need! According to the ADA, cleaning the surface with warm water...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Deep Dental Cleaning

Advantages and Disadvantages of Deep Dental Cleaning

Deep dental cleaning is a smart way to clean your teeth and avoid tooth loss and other expensive treatments. It is different from regular cleaning because, in this treatment, your dentist cleans not only above the gum line but also below the gumline. The advantages of...

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